Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Horror Collection Release Details

On this album is everything you need to make your own little Spooky Horror movie. Music, Drones even Sound Effects. In fact the only thing it lacks is bog standard doors, keys and stuff you can get anywhere. I made that choice because most effects like that you can make or download already, so i concentrated on the more unusual effects and making the most of the space on the album for Music and Ambiance Drones.

Well worth a listen...

Official Release Date 21st November 2012

Track Listing:
01 - Untouched After Years Yet You Are Not Alone
02 - Sheriffs In On it.. warn dad.. Ooo Nooo Dads In On It To
03 - It Happened Right In This Very Room
04 - Most The Towns Dead What Are We Gona Do
05 - I Know Your In Here
06 - Exploring The Crystal Cavern
07 - Hey That Looked Like Old Man.. Whatzisface... Where Was His Face
08 - Across The Table The Child Has A Knife Do You Go Left or Right
09 - Don't Make A Sound
10 - Finding The Diary Carved By Fingernails In The Floorboards
11 - We Should Be Ok Down Here.. What Is This Place
12 - What Is That
13 - The Old Woman Who Lived Here Was Nice, Her Husband However
14 - Dumb Zombie Bait Zombie Ambush
15 - The Body Was Right Their
16 - I Think Its This Way
17 - Once They Leave The Morgue We Go In Through The Basement
18 - Keep Down and Don't Move
19 - Look Daylight This Is The Way Out
20 - Farewell To The Rogue Warrior (ez-250i)
21 - Silent Night Horror Edition
22 - I Looked Back And I Saw Her Die
23 - Majestic Ambiance 002
24 - My Halo Is Slipping (Stuttered)
25 - My Halo Is Slipping (Rig5)
26 - Farewell To The Rogue Warrior (inc drums & ambiance)
27 - Its Finally Over
28 - Majestic Ambiance 003
29 - The Nightmare (Windy Weird)

Bonus Tracks:
30 - DRONE - Bass Elements 001
31 - DRONE - Guitar Element (What Did You Just Their Say Boi) 001
32 - DRONE - Majestic Encounter 001
33 - DRONE - Massive Temperature Drop Its Here 001
34 - DRONE - Mood Setter 001 (Loop or Stretch)
35 - DRONE - Plec Madness 001
36 - DRONE - Noise 001
37 - DRONE - Plinky Plink Delay 001
38 - DRONE - Thats Not My Reflection 001
39 - DRONE - The Laughing Guitar
40 - DRONE - Cartoonish 001
41 - DRONE - Bb  - FM7 (Bottom)
42 - DRONE - C  - FM7 (Middle)
43 - DRONE - D  - FM7 (Top)
44 - Just Looking Around
45 - Im So Sick Of Running From This Thing
46 - Chased On The Stairs
47 - DRONE - Random Suspense 001
48 - An Intro Of Sorts
49 - Ambient Tapping (Bottom)
50 - Ambient Tapping (Middle)
51 - Ambient Tapping (Top)
52 - SFX - Crazy Man Laugh 001
53 - SFX - Crazy Man Laugh 002
54 - SFX - Chruch Bells & Wind
55 - SFX - Zombie 01 (Echo)
56 - SFX - Zombie 01 (NO Echo)
57 - SFX - Water or Heavy Rain 001
58 - SFX - Wind & Creaky Door
59 - SFX - Wind from 10th floor Chestnut House Bootle
60 - SFX - Wind Internal Electric Hum 001

Approx Running Time: 1 Hour 16 Mins


CD Box Back (sample)


MP3 Sale Links:
BandCamp Store Here £7.00  UPC: 840080141794
Amazon UK Store Here £7.45     ASIN: B00G17D7HE
Amazon USA Store Here $7.99   ASIN: B00G18A3WA
iTunes UK Store Here £7.99       UPC: 840080141794
iTunes USA Store Here $9.99     UPC: 840080141794
GooglePlay Android Here £7.99 UPC: 840080141794 
Spotify Here

Bandcamp album sale includes Bonus Extras

CD Sale Links: None at the moment
Compact Disc With Box Art Sold Via N/A Hard Copy Sales

The company i use to get onto iTunes, Amazon and spotify
have a 50 Track Limit  (bandcamp and googleplay don't)
SO this means if you download OFF google or bandcamp you get 60 Individual tracks
If you buy it off Amazon, iTunes OR Spotify
(You DO still get ALL 60 pieces of Audio BUT some are merged into ONE track)

These Tracks Are Combined As Track 49
These Tracks Are Combined As Track 50
(they have a small gap between playback)

IF you make a video and you have used the music from "This Album"
then feel free to post it in the comments
WARNING:  Posting Irrelevant videos WILL get you Banned....

Friday, 16 November 2012

Error Installing .NET KB2698023 KB2742597 Fix

So you get an error when you try windows update
and it comes up failed when you run KB2698023  or  KB2742597

and it keeps on bugging you that you need that update....

I guess maybe you even tried downloading  "netfx.msi"  as advised on OTHER places ROFL

And its told you A Resource within was is unavailable?

well it would... as you don't have it like (as u only downloaded the msi)

Here is what you do....


Download THIS (the update with the issue)  NDP1.1sp1-KB2698023-X86.exe
  OR This one 
Download THIS (the update with the issue) NDP1.1sp1-KB2742597-X86.exe
OR This one
Download THIS (the update with the issue) NDP1.1sp1-KB2833941-X86.exe
(you only need 1, and then maybe the other, use the one your update failed on)

Both Files Come Direct From Microsoft    (DO NOT INSTALL IT  YET)

Now... Download THIS...

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package

From Microsoft HERE   (DON'T INSTALL IT)

RIGHT CLICK ON    dotnetfx.exe

and select   EXTRACT   TO    dotnetfx  
(this will give you 5 files, you need these for 5 mins)
No extract option?  install winZip or 7zip  (their both free) or extract with WinRAR

now with those files extracted,,,  RUN   EITHER



and Install it...

when Asked for "netfx.msi"
Browse to it (where YOU extracted the other one) & the installation should accept it and finalize

simply because I am smart and Microsoft are not..... cant believe they fkd this up with a replacement

DON'T just Google  dotnetfx.exe
if the MS link changes.....
and search for it their and MAKE SURE you get .NET 1.1 version of dotnetfx.exe (not the 1.0)

Oooo and yes.... it works for them ALL....

And i can't believe some of the sites ive seen telling people to uninstall ALL .NET and start installing them all from scrtatch.... wtf do u do next time MS do this... uninstall it all again?  wtf people
oddly replaces the last update yet causes the same problem
good old Microsoft.. BAH...


Because it keeps doing this on certain systems with certain Updates ive started creating a folder HERE on the computer Like This
That way its their for future problems with the files ready for me

Just an Example, You CAN Put your Folder Anywhere is also really messy
After your told to reboot & the pc comes back on,  .net is still installing stuff
and sometimes even after a 2nd reboot, its still installing stuff & making system changes

so before attempting another update test
its best to open "Task Manager"  and keep an eye out for

2 EXE files that appear & then disappear, make sure their both done & gone
(don't try to close them, let them work)
these are the files that are normally going after 2/3 reboots

they will stay their (until i reboot again)
and they maybe back again after the reboot
its hard to tell if their modifying .net 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 or v4
but until their gone, .net isn't fully updated

yet have you ever seen windows update tell you to reboot your pc 5 times in a row after updates?,  ive not seen that, yet that's what it takes.... so it could be 5 days after actually updating that all the fixes are applied.. depending on how often you boot & shut down the pc...  that's kinda bad...

sometimes only the mscoresvw.exe is visible
but a reboots needed till it goes away

if it fails,  Re-Extract the dotnetfx.exe
Don't really no why, but i think the installer modifies the MSI from the last time you did it  ;)

Easy Work Around?
well theirs a way around this, but its slow
what you do is only install the ,NEt 1.1 updates  (and reboot twice)
then install the ,NET 2 updates & reboot twice
then the 3 and then the 3.5 and then the 4

this way is slow, but appears to work

also you could make a bat file that installs .net & updates
then reboots the pc and checks for one of the Specific KB UPDATE folders in the win dir
and if its seen it skips to installing .net 3.5, then reboots checks for 1,2 or 3 and then does v4
then its just a case of adding each update to a folder & the bat
you could also mark the bat out with  #DOT_NET_1.1   and  DOT_NET_1.1_Updates
and manually evoke the bat from a menu bat to skip to install OR just update
I have a windows Update BAT Script concept, that's available coming soon on my PC Repair blog Here   :)

KB2742597 error
KB2698023 error
KB2836939 error
KB2836940 error
KB2836941 error
KB2835393 error
KB2833941 error
KB2833940 error
KB2832411 error
KB2832407 error
KB2840628 error
KB2840629 error
KB2844285 error
KB2840628 error
KB2844285 error

Thursday, 15 November 2012

TheWraith517 Talks About His Music (part 1)

TheWraith517 Talks About His Music (part 1)

Exclussive video where the The Wraith talks about his current music & explains where some ideas come from & also plays us some samples from tracks. Although its part 1, Its a full video & if there is a part 2 made it will cover either  his Airwolf music or his Parody music.

The video has some random stuff that pops up on screen to, so its worth watching, its also recomended to use headphones for listening to it. Please rate it on youtube & comment if you have time... It could Inspire a Part 2.....

To pause the page auto player (scroll down & look on the Right side of the blog)
and use the players "Pause Button"

(c)2012 TheWraith517


UPDATE 26th November 2012

Ive had some unusual traffic on this video & even more so some unusual stats
Normally when you upload a video the "Views"  far out-way the "Ratings"
But at the time i took this screen shot (every viewer had also rated it)
even a couple of thumbs down lol

Here are the Locations were the video reached up to at 292 views

I would just like to thank everyone for watching it

and thank the majority for enjoying it lol

More music to come  :)




Monday, 5 November 2012

Working With Useless People Who Hold You Back

Working With Useless People Who Hold You Back
and then KILL the Only Working Mojo that's their on location.

I guess how im feeling now after all this time is like this...
IF.. your working with someone & its pretty clear that YOU are the creativity
yet they apear to want to own the stage & argue about everything....
 then you shouldn't work with them
If their a mate, then just keep work 100% separate.

As creative people you will understand that when you improvise, if others cant do it
& your theoretically drawing pictures for them while their arguing about how YOUR idea should be
then you need to remember its YOUR idea & unless they actually have ANY ideas they should do as their told, or simply FIRE THEM.... If you have to give them EVERY LINE & then they argue about HOW it sounded fine to them & you want them to say it again.. and they argue... then FIRE THEM....
its YOUR line, YOU know full well how it should sound & if it sounds wrong MAKE THEM say it again
or fek them off...

Ive argued about scenes and lines, only to see them use that in their edit anyway, after me having to fight to get the scene and argue and feel like shit about it... they use YOURS over THEIRS anyway....
just because NOW THEY SEE IT... ON THEIR PC..... THEY LIKE IT....
so they use it and don't even acknowledge how fkn GOOD it really was.....
(let alone a mere apology and stop being such a problematic nobhead on set)
hold on.. theirs?
sorry i mean mine... but how they thought it sounded fekn  "FINE" like it was

People like that FAIL to see what Impact that argument has on the rest of the days filming..
IE, the Impact that now has on other scenes were YOUR expected to give THEM more workable lines, knowing its going to be said wrong, out of context, totally out of character, sounding like a nob head.
and instead of arguing, you leave them to it & you come home with nothing but crap..

Also note this isn't creative differences.. as theirs only ONE creating, the other is
Bullying, Obnoxious & Arrogantly Stupid. Yet clearly uses YOUR work over their own.
(noted though this behaviour is not normally present when their is only 2 of you)
which is even more pathetic as they look such a stupid tit infront of others who are actually with it.

I wont work with people like that anymore, im better than that & i no i am
Im a Writer, A Creator, An Imaginative Visionary who can tell a story with pictures,
video, music OR just sitting their making up a story as i go...
.. ALL of which i can create off the top of my head.

Talent is a gift, don't let people exploit your gift for them to look good...
Don't let anyone take credit for your talent & your work...
Don't help anyone, not even a mate NOT UNLESS...
they have any form of potential on their own, just be honest with them
Tell them no.. your useless, your about as imaginative as a sponge
(which even that needs dipping in someone elses bucket to soak up ideas)

Otherwise you are tied to them while they not only drain you, but mentally destroy you.
Taking anything you give them & then watching them show you how epic THEIR thing is
When you were actually smart enough to already SEE IT before YOU even Improvised it...
for them.....

The more you learn, the faster you progress, those who wont learn need leaving at the kerb
Life's to fkn short to carry someone who uses the doesn't have time excuse.
Anyone tryna make it off your back while sliding through life is a dead weight
and on the back of other peoples work & concepts,, their also going no were fast legally...

Anyone who knows me knows full well,
I will help anyone whos willing to help them selves..
ive helped a lot of people online, and NOT just tutorials,
1 to 1 help with software & ideas via email, msn & FB & forums
And what they do is take that away and ADAPT  It, they come to me with a problem & i fix it
But Some come to me with NOTHING & yet expect everything
and keep asking for more afterwards....

I want you all to ber this simple thing in mind......
ANYONE and i mean ANYONE...
who can figure out what LINK is the REAL Download link to download that Torrent
or that RAR file, can EASILY click a HELP drop down

ANYONE and i mean ANYONE... who can Navigate a Porn site watching videos...
ANYONE and i mean ANYONE...  spends a sad amount of time watching annoying orange.
ANYONE and i mean ANYONE...  spends 15+ mins watching movie trailers...
Can find a TUTORIAL on the likes of Bloody  YOUTUBE......

I consider my work these days to be partially serious in nature
Im not making enough money to waste my time helping wanabe's get noticed
Im here to work with people who are not bullying clueless wanabe's
I want to work with people who actually have something to bring to the table

To which... considering my Talents & my SKILLS....

Surly i am NOT asking for much am i?
just someone to simply say a line AGAIN for me
*specially knowing the take i settle for is ALWAYS the one they use*

I carried EVERY movie ive worked on since 2006 to 2012

hell.. if they could actually make up a line in the first place
It might sound right when they said it...
ya no because... it came from their real time imagination & emotion for the moment

Considering some of the things i have accomplished in my life
movie making "Specially Editing" has always been creatively stunted
by lack of hardware & input from 3rd partys and today even more so by (c) issues
So when i put my TIME and MY Imagination into a project
I DON'T expect it to be Banned "Because Its Mine" and that means i TRUST IT ALL

Ide rather brush the streets and pick up trash & create in my free time
Than be even paid to work with some nob head who thinks hes the next gods fekn gift to media
and cant even string 2 lines together about something.

if you can sing... i can write for you
if you can write... i can adapt and enhance for you
if you film.. i can edit for you...
if you film and edit.. i can score it for you...
if you can act i can give you lines that work for you..
i can re-write lines that make u truly enter the role (which helps MOST bad acting)
I can write songs in a heart beat....

but im NOT about to do ALL of the above and i mean ALL
while you bring your arrogance & attitude and bossy behaviour that stunts ALL the creativity
creativity that is supposed to be used to make the NOTHING you bring...
 into SOMETHING  that u try to take credit for...

For bands out their with singers who also love them selves.....
may i suggest the band leave a Cover of this song on their X Singers voice mail

Sadly i have a mate whos got a car and is always willing to go filming
But he always insists im the one stopping us as i never want to go
But he doesn't see the fact that just because he knows when we get their something will come together
I mean i already no that, that's basically why im being dragged along
because that's what i do, I create sh*t out of thin air 24/7

But the atmosphere when the plot starts rolling & he takes over with ZERo clue
Its so frustrating, and to make it worse.... then comes the "that'll do" moments
from someone who 5 mins ago didn't no jack.. now he knows best
and its wrong, im all for ideas and plot twists and changes
but when you ask someone to say something again & they make that fk u face
its wrong & when you do argue and they finally relent and do it, they actually prefer it
(this crap happens every 5 to 10 mins during filming) yet at the time.. im being picky and awkward
I the WRITER & CREATOR of this crap we are doing... am now in the way
so i step back... and guess what.... NOTHING.... yeah that's right sod all....
Suddenly im the man of the hour again....

so we have 1 great scene, 2 crap ones, another great one 3 to 7 crap ones, then an ok'ish one
then suddenly were back out filming because something can't be simply post edited in the editor?

When i look back at wasted time with not much in the way of productive and usable material
I realise that since Between APRIL 2012 and OCT 2012

I have released
6 Complete Score based Albums with ALL my own Graphics 100% MY STUFF
1 EP with ALL my own Graphics
a 3 DISK Set of over 128 track
And Well Over 600 Audio Recordings, from full music to drones, sound effects & audio folly
become an accredited Director and Composer on IMDB
have reached Number 1 singer song writer UK (reverbnation)
have reached Number 1 composer in the World (reverbnation)
have reached Number 1 comedy UK (reverbnation)
 I am still their to.... at the moment

 Just because im not going out 24/7, doesn't mean im going no where.....

Anyone can approach me with a script or an idea, if i like it i'll help
if i don't, i wont.. i don't care how long it took you to write it
if i think its crap and you are expecting me to totally re-write it.. why should i?
just because where mates?,  so i do all the work while u act a git and make it HARDER

if i don't like it its tough, ive sat back and watched a number of movie edits
and many of which they thought was the dogs bollo....s
then 3 weeks later their laughing at it and editing again, 3 months later same old story
6 years later I accomplish everything ive done in 6 months
while they still faf with something they were literally HANDED ON A PLATE
over 30 cuts regarding all 3 films.... and only the final gets post edited
and only after 6 years is it FINALLY outside of movie maker

6 years of our lives we can never get back NOR legally really show to the world
(as its still got music that's (c) to other people)
have a guess who was looking for a composer?

maybe after 6 years their would be enough memory's to cut at-least 6 albums
at the rate of 1 for each year, hell i did 6 in 6 months, a lot of which reflect on scenes in the movie
but then ide have to point, click and over lay it so it can be heard & seen at the same time
and why....?
because its my story, my atmosphere it portrays, Its my dialogue
and until i probably waste my time editing it, even he is never going to realize
just what its truly about or understand its flow & its true dramatic playback pace

Because its all about pace when editing, its putting what was filmed into perspective
and when that perspective is overshadowed by who is on screen.
this is also why directors have clapper boards & timers, they make notes for the editor to use

Ive never been given that opportunity, nor would he ever even think to do that...
because that would make it my edit (even though he did the editing)
and remember hes got the clips now, the movies his
even though hes got no real clue about it, hell the ending of it is nothing to do with where it began
the ending of it is part of a concept i was "again" working into my cut to make it different
but i just ran out of will to bother putting it together & its prity clear to another cast member why
sadly he would never speak up on set to, so the bullying intimidation atmosphere thrived with that additional audience being their.

note for wanabee's...
tryna look cool and in control because someone else is their just kills the plot & concentration
it becomes about YOU and just how cool YOU look, where in fact you just lost the audience
and the plot & made the onset writer just wana go back home to bed.

When someone says how was that.. if it was CRAP i say so...
why wouldn't i ?,  out their making a MOVIE, if i think it looked crap i say so
honesty is key when filming, SO IS being able to just DO IT AGAIN....

Otherwise why the hell bother?
not my fault another cast member says yeah it was ok (just to please them)
hell u can hear the NO in the tone of the word YES
and u can see it on their face, if your PAYING ATTENTION   LMFAO
and why are you asking them anyway?  are they the DIRECTOR or did i miss something?




don't work with anyone who looks at a ladder and sees them self on the top
but skips most the rungs by standing on your shoulders
Because even when they get interviewed about something they truly think is theirs
they have no idea what the hell their talking about & they played the lead role lmao

Im all about Sharing Ideas, not forcing them onto people
(offering MULTIPLE TAKES to use)

On an upside though.. i kinda finally got the feeling my input on the project as a whole
was finally realized on the Final day of filming
but it comes to late after so long & i think my times better spent trying to get somewhere
trying to earn money and build a future in what i enjoy doing to give my family a better life

And that can't be done wasting time arguing, when the material is mine in the first place
which gives me the right to say, do it again only like this... i aint forcing u to use it

Ive never saw a problem with a 2nd or 3rd take....  and that's all it is
mojo killed = movie killed... over something that fkn simple as AGAIN.........

Strings are cut and i fly solo from selfish people who just take and put no time in

Saturday, 3 November 2012

What side of the road are you really on?

After a recent conversation with a mate about music
I was again left with the feeling he thinks basically (Im Rushing my music)
which makes it basically mediocre & worse still... meaningless music

and i had to think to my self for a moment & realized.....
after all the stuff ive worked on with him, that without any Imagination...
he could never feel it when he HEARD IT,  unless he SEES IT while he Hears It
Which isn't really my problem is it?

and it made me think about what "their" music means to "them...."
and what "my" music means to "me..."
and where "My" music is "Going"
and where "Their" music "Came From"

                                    / /
           "TALENT"      / /  "SKILL"
           Composer    ///   Arranger (mixing is a skill)
          Performer    / /    Player  (playing is a skill)
               Writer    ///   Narator  (talking is plain old talking, voice is natural)
Graphic Designer  / /    Photographer (having a good eye and aptitude for a job aint talent)

What side of the road are you really on?

All Talent is,
Imagination and Improvisation & Fake, Yet its More true to the Artist,
still fake to outsiders,  BUT..
"as to their own creative imagination its real in that moment"
(Talent Is what makes an Entertainer Rather than A Performer with skill)

a story can be alive

a true living idea

an idea can become real for many people can't it?

Santa, Easter bunny, the boogie man,

after all.. even adults have god...  lmfao

Talent doesn't need life changing moments to
 "Define & Bring Forth Emotional Creations"
(a mate give's the impression, my musics released so fast that its epically meaningless production)
Zero emotion behind it
basically gives the impression he could do the same stuff 10 a penny
(and actually chooses not to, because music to him is more than that)

Now i can respect that, even though he will shrug off my music
to talk about a cool movie trailer, that i simply must must watch as its amazin....

Music im doing to try and get a library together to score our own movies,
movies he wants to go out and film & slap together with someone elses music
Im all for making fun movies & having a laugh, but with NO job & having family...
well cash would be handy, so why not do stuff we can SELL?..

Or agree to disagree and fek off and let me get on with it

All SKILL is..
Lessons Learnt, to be able to "DO" something, Fake = putting on an Act,
Reliving an Event is actually an act & an act is something fake,
even if it was once real, its not now....

It's past, not present, its been, Its gone, its old, not new, its no longer even yours
hell.... it belongs to time its self.. and its far from any of your own ideas..
its ALL circumstances, happenstance, sad & happy moments which you where generally were "part of"
and being part of something doesn't make that something actually Your Idea or creation...

Its Orchestrated moments composed not by you but by moments in life
moments that you were destined to do (destiny = unchangeable and out of your actual hands)
music about an event that's been and gone is no more real Nor personal than music about an IDEA

Music composed in mere minuets makes them no less personal or emotional to the composer,
just because they were not inspired by a real life event such as a...
marriage, divorce, a birth, or a new job, or even new home...

Maybe they fail to see that the music that flows easily
is actually like being able to talk to someone about ANYTHING
(just because others can't IMAGINE the Scene doesn't mean the composers not Feeling it)
and i use the term FEELING,  not FELT,  Current,  Not past
"A Living Moment in Real Time"
NOT a composition orchestrated by circumstances created by LIFE
They are "Inspired Moments Composed"
NOT orchestrated after they've been "Shown To You OR You lived Them"
& their inspired by ME & how i see & feel about things
Not just Personally but also Globally around me.

Spot the Difference....
Your really talented the way you pack those boxes?
Your really talented the way you sing that song?

No.... your really skilled
u can either sing or u cant
even a monkey can learn to pack a box...

Your really skilled the way you designed the artwork on them boxes?
Your really skilled the way you Wrote that song?

No.... your really talented
you can either DESIGN or You Can't & u Copy & Paste
you can either Write or You Can't

Some of us have Empathy for others & the world around us
Some of us have Empathy only for our selves & our mistakes

And i just realized that how ever artistic some people are.....
That without Empathy, without conscience, without Remorse

Only leads to "Regret" and Regret is a FAR CRY from Remorse!!!

It's a lonely, paranoid, regretful & meaningless existence
where the only thing that matters,
is doing better & being better off than anyone around you..
does that really make up for a bad memory's & make someone feel good?
As long as you go out with a smile on your face, then who gives a fk right?
hiding your feelings & future with orchestrations of the past
Is never going to allow anyone to openly express Ideas with everything bottled, Jared and labeled

Without Empathy, you cant have Imagination : /

and without Imagination, you can't have actual Creation..

Only Orchestration, which is also a far cry from Composing Creation
its re-creation staying in synch, FOLLOWING A PATH,
which timing was also invented by someone else....

Deviating from the path of synch is Composing
Staying within the Confines of Normality is Cliche, mediocre, stereo typical
and a far cry from Talented Creation....

I don't go out much
yet im not one to be looking at the world from a perspective of standing in the corner
keeping all my secrets to my self while watching what everyone else is doing
Im joining in and creating to express my Current feelings, and sharing that to help others.

Im not orchestrating moments from the past to keep reliving my mistakes every time i hear the track
talk about gluten for punishment  : /

 I get as much pleasure from hearing a peice of music
as i would if i heard it while WATCHING the scene unfold on a TV
But then i have imagination... apparently    x1000
and ive proved that time & time again on countless Improvised filming days & projects

 Everything i imagine comes from inspiration, and inspiration is driven by


Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Heists Collection Release Details

On this album is everything you need to make your own little covert or heist movie. Music, Drones even Sound Effects. In fact the only thing it lacks is bog standard doors, keys and stuff you can get anywhere. I made that choice because most effects like that you can make or download already, so i concentrated on the more unusual effects and making the most of the space on the album for Music and Ambiance Drones.

Well worth a listen...

Official Release Date 1st November 2012 

Track Listing:
01 - The Heist
02 - Another Heist Movie
03 - Yet Another Heist Movie
04 - Waiting For The Time Lock & The Vault Opens
05 - Bedded For A Copy of Her Access Key Card
06 - The Getaway Avoiding The Federalis
07 - So What's The Next Job
08 - Their Pullin Off The Next Job (no fx)
09 - The Job Is On, Check Your Gear Because Its Time
10 - Take The Elevator Shaft To The Penthouse
11 - Rushing My Music & You Better Run
12 - Ive Escaped But Where Am I
13 - It Must Just Be A French Thing
14 - Back In Town On Business & This Time It's Personal
15 - A Fence Chillin In His Crib Receives A Call
16 - This Old Town Of Mines Changed
17 - Scope Out The Hand Off Location (reprise)
18 - The Top Secret Military Aircraft Heist (reprise)
19 - Flying Stealth Mix
20 - The Gallows Awaits You
21 - A Clean Getaway & Counting The Cash
22 - Looking For That Ultimate Last Score
23 - The Heist of All Heists
24 - The Betrayal
25 - We Dug Up A Body Where The Cash Should Be
26 - Jerrys Doing Covert Recon At The Cheese Factory
27 - The Great Cheese Robbery
28 - A Clash Of Styles.. Ending In Smiles (end credits)

Bonus Tracks:
29 - Their Pullin Off The Next Job (with fx)
30 - DRONE - Dark Atmospherics 01
31 - DRONE - Dark Atmospherics 02
32 - DRONE - Under Water Or In Space Element
33 - SFX - Echo Sound Like Setting Up Survelance In A Haunted Place
34 - DRONE - Dark Atmospherics 011
35 - DRONE - Dark Atmospherics 012
36 - DRONE - Memories Rushing Back 001
37 - SFX - Plugging In Guitar Electric Static Crackle
38 - SFX - Bobs NEW Re-Load Effect
39 - SFX - Brand New Gun Cock 1
40 - SFX - Bullet Body Hit 2 (Real Wet)
41 - SFX - Chesnut House Fire Alarm

Approx Running Time: 1 Hour 17 Mins


CD Box Back (sample)

MP3 Sale Links:
BandCamp Store Here £7.00 UPC: 840080141022
Amazon UK Store Here £7.49     ASIN: B00G0M4TEK
Amazon USA Store Here $7.99   ASIN: B00G0KIQWS
iTunes UK Store Here £7.99       UPC: 840080141022
iTunes USA Store Here $9.99     UPC: 840080141022
GooglePlay Android Here £7.99 UPC: 840080141022 
Spotify Here

Bandcamp store release has Bonus Extras

CD Sale Links: None at the moment
Compact Disc With Box Art Sold Via N/A

IF you make a video and you have used the music from "This Album"
then feel free to post it in the comments
WARNING:  Posting Irrelevant videos WILL get you Banned....

Album Copywrited Info
Uploaded: October 18, 2013
Release date: October 18, 2013
(via distrokid) 1st NOV is the day i publicised it's release
