Monday, 24 February 2014

John Quincy Adams: Mad Scientist (Music Used)

I found this via google while comparing search stats, i had no idea this had been made. I do wish people would post links to their edits with my music in. I do like to see how its used (It's always inspiring for me when i see it come to life)  They did credit me in the description, but i had no idea this had been made.

Submission for Filmmaking Frenzy "Commander-in-Chief" competition

"Before there was Lincoln, there was Q..."

 Actors: Greg Cunningham, Darian Reddington, Jonathan Flake, Sydney DeSugny, Riley DeSugny, Kobe Reddington, Kaden Reddington, Tory Templin, Sheri Reddington, Taunie Reddington Producers: Jonathan Flake, James Reddington Make-up/Wardrobe: Sheri Reddington


  1. I just found your post here! Thank you so much for linking the video on your page. I'm so sorry that I didn't contact you before using your work. I'm definitely a fan!

    1. Hi, you don't have to contact me (before hand) but its to be told about them so i can check them out. It's nice to hear it in action upon completion, its a great trailer, nice work on the costumes to. I very rarely get told my work is used in things so its always nice to see something. Please note i have uploaded the majority of my music to the new facebook group and its all available for use on youtube as well as other sites :)


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