Saturday, 22 December 2012

Trailer Music & Scores Vol 005 Released

Trailer Music & Scores Vol 005

Track Listing:

01 - It Must Just Be A French Thing
02 - Flying The Stealth 001
03 - They Argue Over Photos 001
04 - Zero Gravity Is Down And We Are Heading Towards The Sun
05 - Trying To Argue Your Way Into Heaven Is An Unusual Debate
06 - Majestic Ambiance 001
07 - The Engines Dead & Where Adrift In Space
08 - What Happened At Mutron Could Of Been Avoided
09 - In Cinemas 20
10 - This Old Town Of Mines Changed
11 - Yet Another Heist Movie
12 - Majestic Ambiance 002
13 - I Just Cant Say Why Im Cursed Remorseful Moments In Time
14 - Jerrys Doing Covert Recon At The Cheese Factory (Reprise)
15 - Farewell To The Rogue Warrior (ez-250i)
16 - Roll Out The Choir 001
17 - Roll Out The Choir 002
18 - Majestic Ambiance 003
19 - Farewell Rogue Warrior (guitar, drums, ambiance)
20 - In Cinemas 21
21 - Last Known Position In Orbit Around Planet Mutron Com Lost 0800 Hours
22 - The Ship Entered Battle Ready Mode The Computer Opend Airlocks Killed The Crew
23 - You Gotta Be Kiddin Me Look At This They Were Splicing DNA
24 - What The Hell Are These Things
25 - In Cinemas 22
26 - They All Moved On A Long Time Ago
27 - In Cinemas 23
28 - The Nightmare (ez-250i)
29 - Your Meant To Be Outa Town Look Who Just Walked In Best Avoid Them 001
30 - Your Meant To Be Outa Town Look Who Just Walked In Best Avoid Them 002

Bonus Tracks:

31 - DRONE Filler - The Revelation 001
32 - DRONE Filler - Breaking In 001
33 - DRONE Filler - Breaking In 002
34 - DRONE Filler - Covert Interruption 001
35 - DRONE Filler - Unlocking The Box To Find Its Empty 001
36 - DRONE Filler - Troups Are Moving In 001
37 - DRONE Filler - Trying To Hack The System 001
38 - SFX - Base Station Alarm 001
39 - SFX - Mic (echo On) Attention People 001
40 - SFX - Mic Problem (echo Fails) 001
41 - SFX - Mic Problem (echo Works) 001

Approx Running Time: 1 Hour 17 Mins

Bandcamp Store Here £5.99
GooglePlay/Android Market: Here
iTunes USA:  Here
iTunes UK:  Here
Amazon UK: Here
Amazon USA: Here
Also on Spotify, Look for TheWraith517
CD Retail Page Here N/A

Look for  TheWraith517  on Music Store Sites

  The idea behind this collection is so that YouTube video makers can use music without fear of their film being banned. Once you buy/download the album you can use them in your video.
You can't add the adsense to your videos, but overtime you maybe informed you can
(the ad revenue split is still a work in progress)

(it wont affect your youtube account status OR your video.. Unless You also used (c) music from somewhere else, then youtube gets nancy about to (c) company's arguing & the vids blocked)

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