Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Reverb Stat System Failure

well i was wondering if ide been Reported for cheating OR if their system had problems, or if someone had bought me stats to get me binned out the chart.. and ya no what  : /

I did a little test and found a Massive Reverb Stat System Failure

now i would post it an let them no, but we all no they don't actually care
and alls ide get is a ticket number that means nothing and a survey that also means nothing

I decided to put my "Singer Song Writer" profile under the stat counter by simply posting

1 Pink Floyd cover song on a pink floyd Facebook page
2 Highlander songs on a highlander Facebook page

got up the next day to see my Singer Song writer profile out of the chart with a - instead of a rank

so way to go reverb... another screw up that wont get fixed until at-least 8000+ people close their accounts
kinda sad  thats what it takes to make a company sit up and listen to the people who keep them afloat

also still pains me that their still refusing to acknowledge they have accepted Visa Debit cards in the past through audiolife, but just cant be bothered paying for the international transactions on them any more since paypal changed its commission rates for overseas purchases via debit rather than credit...

so the moral of the story is you can sit at number 1 in the world and be nagged about free promotion...  but if 20 people play your song today and 100 play it tomorrow, then you cheated and get booted?


Reverbnation Missing Rank

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